Learning Session #1: Diversity & Inclusion within Leadership & Governance
On Wednesday, March 30th, the DEI Learning Collaborative participated in the first Learning Session via Zoom. Participants heard from subject matter experts from USC’s Collaborative on Race about the significant impact of implicit bias on health and healthcare, and learned from Dr. Kari-Claudia Allen Harrington how increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in leadership and governance supports hospitals’ and health systems’ efforts to reduce health disparities. The keynote also provides current data on how leadership in DEI at the highest levels can improve employee engagement, talent recruitment and retention, and help hospitals better reflect and communicate with the communities they serve.
Meeting Materials:
Keynote Power Point Slides - Dr. Kari-Claudia Allen Harrington
Implicit Bias Training Slides - U of SC’s Collaborative on Race
PDF of Facilitator’s Slides (includes project details + timeline + attendee list)
Links from Meeting Chat:
The State Article: https://www.thestate.com/news/state/south-carolina/article258302413.html
Bias in healthcare- collected articles: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pRLUpNf2tp56shonmp6iQSlLeeuT5ktteiYGzYTmA2c/edit
The Mind Gap Handbook: https://www.sgul.ac.uk/news/mind-the-gap-handbook-now-freely-available-online
Dr. Allen's YouTube video on CEO-led DEI work- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTipDLez0R0&t=330s