Take Our Health Equity Pledge Today!

The Health Equity Champion Pledge is about taking action to eliminate equity-driven health disparities across South Carolina.

About the Pledge: 

The pledge uses the Collaborative Strategies for Advancing Health & Racial Equity in South Carolina and builds upon the teachings of the American Hospital Association Institute for Diversity & Health Equity to implement diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) strategies to eliminate equity-based gaps in health outcomes. 

Become a health equity champion today! 

Take the pledge to become a Health Equity Champion by using DEI strategies outlined in the pledge commitments. The Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina has identified these steps as effective ways for improving health disparities and supporting equity to create a South Carolina with optimal and equitable health for all. 

There are two Health Equity Champion pledges to offer both individual and organization leaders the opportunity to empower their community and/or their workplace. This pledge is inclusive to those unemployed and self-employed as everyone can play a role advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

One-pagers on the pledges available for download: Individual / Organization

Take the Pledge That’s Right For You:

Already taken the pledge? 

  1. Act and continually recommit to the principles of the pledge.

  2. Share your DEI journey by engaging partners, becoming a part of the Alliance’s Speaker’s Bureau, and/or connecting with us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

  3. Encourage others to take the Health Equity Champion pledge to promote equitable health for all!